"the Incorporation Specialists"
605 Geddes Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19805
United States of America
email: beth@ready2inc.com
Toll Free: 800-546-8607
International Voice: 302-798-6015
Fax: 302-798-6020
Many incorporation and registered agent firms hide their addresses, phone numbers and other contact information. We do not. We think our transparency increases trust levels between us and our clients. When you sign on with a registered agent it should be a long term relationship. Would YOU enter a long term relationship with somebody who hid who they really are? Of course, the reason many incorporators hide their identity is because they sell the same service in many different markets. They want to hide the fact that they charge different rates for the same service to different people depending upon how you buy. Corporate Consulting Ltd. provides back end services to consultants, attorneys and accountants worldwide. We also provide retail incorporation services through our website at ready2inc.com. Feel free to call or write. We would love to hear about your current project.
The information on this website is not to be used in place of advice from an attorney or tax consultant. Please consult with an attorney or accountant for any legal or tax advice.