Entities are formed by the power of the State. That is what we do when we file your formation paperwork. If an entity is formed by a state other than the one in which it "does business" it must register as a "foreign" entity. In general, "doing business" is having an office, employee or other nexus within a jurisdiction. Doing business is defined by each state.
All entities doing business in a state must obtain the appropriate licenses. In some instances licensing is required at the state and county/municipality levels. If paying employees, the entity must register as a tax withholding agent.
Information about these topics and more is available on the state description page links. If you have any questions about incorporating, please feel free to call. If you have questions about running your business in any state, the links provide information about where to get the answers you need.
Some specific advantages of incorporating in Delaware:
If you have a choice regarding jurisdiction to form your Limited Liability Company or Corporation, we think Delaware deserves your consideration.
The names available to corporations include many standard phrases and abbreviations; "association," "company," "corporation," "club," "foundation," "fund," "incorporated," "institute," "society," "union," "syndicate," or "limited" are common.
There are several general rules governing naming requirements of L.L.C.'s. States require "Limited Liability Company" or an abbreviation of those words must be included in the name of the LLC. Abbreviation rules vary by state. Some abbreviations include LLC, L.L.C., L.C., LC, Ltd., as well as Co. for company.
Some names prohibit particular words because they indicate a specially regulated business. In Delaware, for example, the word "Trust" is forbidden without the approval of the Banking Commissioner.
Some words are prohibited because the type of company they are associated with cannot be a L.L.C. Banks and insurance companies cannot be organized as L.L.C.'s according to the Internal Revenue Service. Consequently, some states prohibit the use of the words "bank" and "insurance" in LLC names. Any company that will be governed by Federal Regulators specific to it's industry should check with the regulator to determine types and naming requirements.