We can incorporate your business in any State, although we specialize in forming Delaware Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs). Our special package includes preparation and filing of the Certificate of Incorporation or Formation, a date stamped "FILED" and certified copy with apostille of the Certificate of Incorporation or Formation, a deluxe corporate kit (which includes the corporate seal, bylaws or operating agreement, stock or membership certificates, stock transfer ledger and corporate minutes), courier service and registered agent service until March the following year for corporations or June the following year for LLCs.
Thank you for always being very helpful by explaining information in detail, clarifying, making sure client understands every word and sentence and thoroughly advising what documents and services to expect! Great service!
Dinka Gyurova
Bulgaria and California, USA
You will receive your filed documents in 2 to 4 weeks. If you need your documents more quickly, we offer an expedited service so you can receive your documents in 5 to 10 business days for an additional fee.
We can also legalize document for use in any country, not a part of the Hague convention, for an additional fee.
Apostilles are available on any State Certified Copy or on our Notary Signed Documents.
We strive to make all fifty states laws accesible to our international clients. We offer incorporation in all, but specialize in Delaware, Nevada and Wyoming. Our most extensive business services are available from our office in Delaware, and we provide other services through our comprehensive network of providers in all fifty states. give us a call if you have any questions about our capabilities.
If we cannot provide what you need, we can usually find a referral for you. Let us be your portal to the USA!